Case Studies

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Case Studies: Our Motivation

Super Care

The care worker contacted the office to report that Mr C has informed the care worker that he struggles at lunch time to get his lunch and cannot be bothered to have lunch. Concerned about this, the care worker contacted the co-ordinator who quickly made a referral with the service use’s permission, to social services to ask if a lunch call could be provided to ensure a nutritious diet was provided. On receipt of confirmation from Social service to increase the package, the same care worker is asked to continue to support Mr C with the lunch calls.... Whenever a care worker informs our office that the service user’s needs have changed, we follow that up with a planned visit from our Manager or Supervisor plus a family member and include the service user , to re-assess the service user’s needs based on the care worker’s report. Once the changes have been confirmed, we then contact social services to make a referral for increased care based on the assessment to increase the package, the same care worker is asked to continue to support Mr C with the lunch calls.

Care for the Blind

Mr W is registered blind, reduced mobility, speech impaired, uses a voice dictation machine to communicate, and reliant on two care workers to support with care for tasks for daily living. Lives with a supportive wife. Whist carrying out our annual assessments, Mrs W advised the manager that her husband’s health needs had increased and feels that she is on the 24hrs a day and would do with a respite for a week to re-charge her batteries as feels worn out as she herself is unwell- recently had a pace maker inserted and suffers from varicose veins.... The Manager asked Mrs W if she needed assistance with contacting Social services to see if a designated manager would come out and visit. She agreed, and a referral was made for respite and Mr W was assessed for this , a sitting service was provided to enable Mrs W to take time out for three hours a week, and his would be reviewed by the Social Worker. This respite prevented any risk of care’s breakdown.

Determined Care

Mrs Ms Mc has a colostomy bag and needs assistance to manage the bag, plus all aspects of personal care. As Ms Mc finds its distressing to have to have different people attending to her, as she has a whole lot scars on her body. She suggested at the initial set up that she would like two care workers , three is the maximum to support her for her needs for daily living. There are times when she will not want to get up in the morning, and realises that she is taking a risk and hates it when staff encourage her, but would rather the staff assisted with other tasks but not personal care.... Taking into account, the service user’s preference and choice, we ensured three care workers were allocated to support Ms Mc. Care workers were trained by a colostomy nurse to manage colostomy bags. Care workers were made aware of Ms Mc distress. Care workers were made aware and this was included in the care plan, on days Ms Mc does not feel like getting up, care workers need to carry out other home hygiene tasks.

Complex Care

Mr SJ is a 43-year-old male, who was employed as a builder, but fell off the scaffolding and sustained T7 Spinal injuries, paralysed from neck down, leaving him dependant on others to support him with all aspects of needs for daily living. He has a tracheostomy, is double incontinent. Most of the care needs provided for Mr SJ required specialist equipment, a nippy ventilator, a hoist, to transfer from one point to another, a shower chair, a specialist profiling to enable ease of turning and positioning in bed and Peg Machine Before discharge from the specialist nursing home to move into the community, Areas of training were highlighted and addressed, a team of care workers was assigned to train side by side with the staff who had been supporting him, and the use of all the equipment prescribed for him. ... As he a tracheostomy, care workers were trained how to use the suction machine, to manage and carry out suction procedures, as this was an integral part of Mr SJ’s care, use of the suction machine, the yanker suction. Connecting the daily feeds on the PEG machine, recording all the feeds, fluid intake, administration of medication using the Peg Machine, measuring the medication, administering different medication and water hydration. All this was done taking into account his dignity and choices and ensuring that the care was provided in a personalised manner around his needs.

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