Neurological Support

Suffering from a neurological disorder can affect people at any age weather its young age or old age but with Focus Care Links Extra Support and love you can enjoy life to its fullest.

Neurological Care

Neurological physiotherapy treatment refers to the treatment for patients suffering from neurological disorders. Neurological disorders primarily affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It results in the loss of movement, sensation, uncoordinated movement, weak muscles, spasm, tremor, and pain. Neurological physiotherapy helps patients improve mobility and develop proper functioning. Our Speciaists will provide you with a detailed and best care plan so that the affected can live life to its fullest.

Neuro physiotherapy exercises improve muscle weakness, poor balance and coordination, uncontrolled muscle spasm & tremors, loss of functions, and, thereby, improve the patient’s quality of life.

Get in touch with our specalist team and we will be happy to help

Acquired Brain Injury

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